Greasy Dominant Tricks
Continuing the topic of chords (chords, I love chords!!), it’s time to bask in the power of the dominant nine — whether flatted or raised. The voicings below are…
Luscious Chord Fatness
In the spirit of the previous post, I thought I’d talk about a few more chord tricks. Here the focus is on creating the biggest sound possible, the type…
Ferrante Voicings
The great pianist/composer Russell Ferrante (of the Yellowjackets) has a unique brand of chordal harmony. While much of what he plays is as rich and complex as chocolate cake, it could be argued…
Last night we ditched a planned movie outing to go wandering through the Galleria. The appeal of the Apple Store is always great, and yet it always disappoints. There,…
Two More Soundtrack Gems
Continuing the topic of soundtracks, I’d like to add two more films for consideration, both of which are now available on Netflix Instant. “Dhobi Ghat (Mumbai Diaries)” comes from…
Review: Gretchen Parlato “The Lost and Found”
Gretchen Parlato’s much anticipated third release, The Lost and Found, secures her position as the leading vocalist in New York’s under-40 jazz scene. On this 15-track program, Parlato and producer Robert Glasper…
A phone call from space
This is pretty amazing: On Sunday, my dad received a phone call from astronaut Mike Barratt aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery! He reported, “The view is spectacular up here.” Adding…
Goodnight Milton
Today we bid farewell to another musical giant, the one and only Milton Babbitt who died Sunday at 94. Babbitt’s boundary-pushing musical works posed challenges both for his audience…
Predicting File Size of MP3s (and others)
How one calculates the filesize of an mp3/aac/etc given its bitrate and length.
True Grit: Contraction-Free Zone
Diction was apparently important in the wild west, at least if you believe the Coen brothers whose latest film True Grit envisions a world in which people of every station enunciate like Shakespearian actors.…
The Battle with Time
The study of rhythm has been sadly neglected in the world of music education. Unlike other musical concepts, developing rhythmic proficiency is a topic that lacks a clear pedagogical…
Arvo Pärt’s Fratres
An intensely haunting piece played to perfection. The bell-like piano chords that enter at 1:24 should remind everyone of the impact Pärt has had on the Hollywood film industry.…
A Most Interesting Voice
I’m fairly certain that Antony and Johnsons–and singer Antony Hegarty in particular–will never need to worry about becoming pop superstars. Their songs opine melancholy without the slightest hint of…
Farewell Lhasa
Either I’m really out of touch, or the music media is. But here it is September and I’m just learning that the great Lhasa de Sela died in January…
Versailles and Les Puces
To begin, Versailles was AWFUL. Oh so crowded, absurdly garish, and frankly, a bit weird. Sitting among the Louis XIV opulence were modern Japanese pop art pieces, displayed behind ropes, one in…
New Ambient
I went on an expedition today to seek out new ambient music. It was a tricky hunt. Ambient is a misused, misunderstood genre. If you refer back to Eno’s…
Goodnight, Mr. Charoenrat
I was quite saddened to learn of Darawan Charoenrat’s passing, especially since I’m only now hearing about it, three months after the fact. His legendary Thai restaurant Kanomwan on…
New Zealand on the Tiny Desk
NPR’s excellent music blog includes an ongoing feature called Tiny Desk Concert in which bands perform lo-fi sets from the station’s office (desks included). This week the site hosts…
Montemartre, Anyone?
Well kids, we finally did it. We finally booked our trip to Paris. This is particularly monumental being Steph’s first Euro vacay and all. But now that we have…